Stand flat or on an elevated platform with your shoulder blades together and the bar placed on the upper trapezius. Align your legs directly under your hips and point your feet forward. Your knees should be slightly flexed. Begin with both feet on the platform, or one leg up in a crane position with your weight on the stationary leg. Keep your pelvis level and your back in a ready position.
Step back with your trail leg, landing on your toes. Keep the weight on your lead leg, with your hips level and directly under your shoulders. Continue to lower your body until your lead leg forms an approximate 90-degree angle. Keep your trail leg straight with your knee slightly flexed. Maintain a natural arch in your lower back. Hold. Continue to contract the gluteus and leg muscles of your lead leg and stabilize with your trunk. Keep your pelvis level and aligned under your shoulders. With the weight over your ankle, pull your leg and body back up to the start position. Repeat.